Landscape Photographer from the South West of Western Australia

Posts tagged “Focus stacking

Carbunup King Spider Orchid

These are gorgeous large orchids. They are listed as critically endangered, and estimates are that the total population is 276 plants (2008). They are flowering beautifully at the moment. Caladenia Procera
This shot was obtained by focus stacking 42 individual shots, changing the focus slightly between each shot (this was done automatically). As it was windy, the flower kept moving substantially, and I had to align the images by hand. The easiest way was to open all the images as layers and create a new layer and place some red dots on it at places that were easily identified. You need multiple spots as as the focus changes some features become unrecognisable. Then you just align the individual layers to the spots. Once aligned I used Photoshop to do the blending (automatically!).